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How to Make Shoes Slippery for Shuffling – Easy Three Way

Do you fancy shuffling, whether in dancing, for fun or as a sport? Mostly for dance. Do you want to make your regular obviously anti-slip shoes slippery for shuffling? Fair enough, but you have to stick with me to get simple yet proven ideas on how you can do this.

Moreover, you will need to customize your shoes especially if this is a one-time thing, which at the same time you don’t want to mess in. For instance, your birthday party, in which you must be in a cool shoe, yet you will obviously have to impress with some Latin or Salsa dance moves.

What is Shuffling?

Shuffling refers to foot movement while barely leaving the ground, a form of slipping movement I would say. There are shoes that are specifically made for shuffling, which have a fairly smooth outer sole to make this simple.

However, before getting the special shoes, you may want to try shuffling in your current non-slip shoes. But how to make shoes slippery for shuffling requires some knowledge, which is why you are reading this article.

How to Make Shoes Slippery for Shuffling

Below Are A Few Different guides

Using Suede Soles

These are outer soles that are sold on their own in stores. Their purpose is to make your slip-resistant shoes less grippy, so that you can shuffle in them.

There are suede soles that are sold as a full block for the shoe, a front sole part or in two parts, the forefront, covering the toe bed and the ball of the foot, and the heel suede part. If your shoe has a heel, even a slight one, then the two part will do. For a larger stiletto dancing shoe, the forefront part will do. The flat athletic shoes will do with a block sole.

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Additionally, the soles can be in exact true feet sizes, or in blocks from which you have to cut out your shoe size. In this instance, let’s assume you started with the block suede sole.

Guide 1: Procedure for Sticking Suede Soles

Step 1

Outline the edges of the bottom of your shoe and take the measurements. Use the measurements to carefully cut the sole to have an ideal fit. You can cut the forefront section if you are using it with heeled shoes.

Step 2

Lift your shoe diagonally, so that it is visible and convenient for to stick the sole.

The suede is sticky, so you don’t have to be messy with glues and sticking gels. Carefully match the sole to the bottom of the shoe with the sole. Once they are at par, stick the suede, slowly then fixing it completely.

The suede sticks well, so you don’t have to worry about the sole coming off during your shuffling dancing and other activities. It will never be an embarrassment, especially if it is quality suede.

Step 3

Repeat the procedure whenever you want to replace the suede. Have fun using your classy sporting shoes for the dance floor.

Guide 2: Procedure for Using Sandpaper to Make Shoes Slippery for Shuffling

You want a quicker, less expensive and handy way on how to make shoes slippery for shuffling? Why not consider using sandpaper with the procedure below? Nevertheless, this method is most suitable on rubber soles.

Step 1

Get a rough sandpaper, because you will be trying to eliminate textured patterns on the soles of your shoes.

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Step 2

Hold your shoe from the shoe interior on your left hand, I mean, if you are right-handed, and vice versa for the left-handed individuals. Use the active hand to hold the sandpaper.

In rough circular motions, rub your shoe sole with the sand paper. Start from one edge, say the heel or the toe bed. Ensure a thorough job before moving on.

Try feeling the shoe with your palm.

Step 3

Once your shoe is soft, take a fine towel and dip it in olive oil. Slide it on your sole, wiping away all the sandpaper residue. Wipe excessive oil to prevent sliding off and falling,

This step will further enhance the soft nature your sole already has.

Step 4

Your rubber sole shoes are good for a shuffling ground.

Guide 3: Procedure for Using Gaffer Tape on Shoes for Shuffling

Gaffer tape has been proven as the one masking tape that will never disappoint you, regardless of what you use it on. But what is gaffer tape? This is a cotton cloth like material, whose inner side is highly adhesive for a sticky feel.

So, let’s take this opportunity to try it on shoes to reduce grip. Wait, not try, it has already been tried. Let’s make it work too.

Step 1

Hold your shoe on one hand, the gaffer tape on the other. This will be tricky, however, because you need to cut the tape at intervals for a good fit. Anyway, you can still do it.

Step 2

Cut the tape with scissors whenever you get to a shoe edge.

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Repeat this procedure until the whole shoe is covered.

Step 3

Grace any dance floor, be it wooden, Vinyl, cement or any other with your regular non-dancing shoe.

You will have two advantages;

  • You have the option to select your most elegant shoe for the dance. Gaffer tape will not damage your shoe sole, as you will remove it after use. The shoe returns to normal features.
  • You will have an easy time with shuffle dancing moves, as though wearing dancing floor shoes.

Bottom Line

You don’t have to own the weird-looking shuffling shoe to draw attention on the dance floor. Make your superb moves in brand shoes of your choice, which you only had to customize to suit shuffling.

So there. How to make shoes slippery for shuffling is as simple as the above three procedures. Its upon you to consider the most suitable for you.

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