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Golf Shoe Fitting Guide: How To Choose The Right Fit

Wearing a perfect pair of golf shoes keeps your feet comfortable while playing. Furthermore, you can focus on the game and enjoy it more. For instance, if the shoes are too oversized or too small, you’ll feel uncomfortable and ruin your gaming experience.

With the ton of golf shoes in the market today, getting the right pair is always a real hassle. However, before choosing your golf shoe’s style and brand, it is essential to determine the right size for your feet. Continue reading to get some crucial tips on how to size golf shoes.

Why Golf Shoe Sizing is Important

Every player needs tight shoes that will not loosen up as one walks in the club. You would realize that every shoe that is not the right size for the feet tends to irritate the toes and make the experience uncomfortable. Before buying a shoe, fitting in to feel if it’s the appropriate size for you is essential.

Different types of shoes are suitable for golfing; golf sandals, athlete shoes, and dress-style depending on a player’s taste or preference. Sizing a shoe is a process that needs concentration and time.

A player should try different sizes of shoes depending on his shoe size, the kind of comfort they need, and the playing ground’s topography. If any shoe fits poorly, then all you need to try another pair that fits well even with fastened laces.

Learn How to Choose Right Golf Shoes: Explained in Step by Step

Getting the right pair of Golf shoes is somehow challenging. So let’s learn how to choose right pair of golf shoes.

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Determine the Kind of Shoe You Want

There are various styles of golf shoes to suit your needs. You can choose between the dress style and athletic style shoes. How to do this? Browse the available brands to find what fits your budget.    

Fix Your Budget

Golf shoe pricing is a fact, it has wide ranges. Pick out several pairs that meet your size and price requirements and try them on for size until you get that which suits you and your budget.

Choose Your Brand

Always go for that brand that will not get worn out easily, excessive wear on the outside of the heel indicates supination and in that case always consider pair with an extra cushiony insole.

Measure Your Feet Properly

Measure your foot properly to find the best pair. You can do this with the help of the Brannock device or you can measure your feet at home by any scales. Most importantly, make sure you examine both feet while wearing playing socks. This way, you will get the best measurement for both foot length and the ball width.

Try various shoes and walk around to test the shoe’s comfort. However, it is essential to note that most new shoes feel stiff, but this doesn’t mean you will have the discomfort forever.

Related: How to Measure Your Feet At Home? Easy 4 Steps Explained

Final Thoughts

Golf is one of the most expensive games that you cannot afford to play in painful feet. That is why you need to get the right shoe size for a comfortable match. To get the best pair of playing shoes is every player’s dream. Follow the discussed tips to get the best size of golf shoes.

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Keep in mind, Comfortability is always the first priority before even thinking of color and style of the shoe. However, most new shoes might feel uncomfortable when new, but they stretch to fit well after being worn several times.

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